what should i do to make money online

how to make money online

You see the ads…’Make $49,999 per day in two hours’
so making money online is easy…

i think it all depends on what you think like…

if you are to honest then you will never make money online..

but if you loosen up a bit then you can make money online…

follow a proven method to make money online

and if you lie through your teeth …

then you can make shed loads…

i would like to explore different ways of making money online…

i have tried a few and am not really settled within any of them…

I have learnt tons of information, so don’t want to lose that or waste it…

what have i tried….

affiliate marketing

after looking online for a while i came acros a site that has a training course on affiliate marketing

this is where i am currently – for the training, hosting and community…

i have learnt tons – not jsut off this site as i do my own research elsewhere…

so the basic setting up of a site is very easy for me now…

planning what the site is about is not much of a problem

but consistently writing articles is not my forte…..

i get bored easily…

i have tried setting up many different sites and found i know only a little on each subject and the learning i do doesn’t take me any deeper into it…

i have also tried a pure ecom site

ecommerce to make money online

ecommerce is where i setup a shop…

so a virtual palce where you can come and browse…

this was before i knew better…

the one main problem with this is …’where do the visitros come from’

google won’t rank a page that is stuffed full of affiliate links…

if there is little content on there then it is considered a thin page and again google will not index this, let alone rank it…

so getting your audience is a paid solution… or social media posts…

again it is worth sticking to one niche to concentrate your efforts …

the one i setup i added anything and everything i liked… noticed it was about me..

and online no-one cares about you…

they all care about themselves…

so that one has a couple of pin boards and odes stil lget the occasional bit of traffic and very few sales….

but with this unless you constantly work at it then you lose traction…people want easy, safe, new and big all the time….

so i went on to another form…email marketing

email marketing

instead of going the normal route of put up a landing page with an irresitable offer to collect email addresses….

i found a site that allowed you to collect emails for free once you had signed up.

so what’s to lose…

i signed up and the emails of the members under me started to come in….

for free you get one hundred email addresses then it cuts off…

if you become a paid member then this number continues to grow…

so….after i got one hundred emails – i joined again with another email address…and got another hundred…

and again…

so now i had three hundred emails that i could market to….bit naughty but a nice number…

i had anauto responder that allowed me to import the addresses and have 500 for free…so why not…

how difficult is this email marketing… you send them an offer and they buy … of course they do…

so offer after offer i sent, trying to be conversational in the tone of the email, but i think getting more desparate – no i didn’t send the ‘ please buy my stuff’ email….

the two main things i took away from this was that very few actually unsubscribed… i only had four out of three hundred leave the list…and if you go for free email addresses they are all like you – they don’t want to buy anything….

so you are better off setting up a proper funnel and getting a proper list of people who are interested in what you have to offer and going through a giving stage followed by a get to know you stage and giving stage transitioning to an offer stage after they have accepted that you are not a scammer just out for money…

as i am not really a people person, i decided to call it quits on this….for the moment…

i might revisit it with the intent of going for solo ads – i know some will be screaming – they don’t work’, but they must or there wouldn’t be the sites with all of the solo ads vendors on them….

so what now…

what’s left

this has taken over 5 years to get to this stage

you will find that things don’t happen overnight on the other side of the internet world…

you have to wait for google to index your content, then get ranked ( if you want free traffic and the promised passive income) – all of this can take months…

so what can i try next…..

membership sites

these are supposed ot be lucrative monthly income streams….

but not being a people person is it right for me to even contemplate starting these…

at this moment nope…

so i will pass on these…

anything else….

domain flipping

now this has some interest…

i am a techy person – so setting up the techy bits of the site has never been a problem for me…

and i used to project plan in my last job….so maybe ….

i have heard that peopel want it all setup and are willing to buy a ready made fledgling site…

there is this mythical three month ‘google sandbox’ – where google will not rank your content or sometimes even index your content…and waits to see if you are going to stick around….

so there is a market in setting up sites and basically waiting hte three months – adding a few relevant articles and getting the site indexed, ideally traffic but not essential…

so this looks like short term projects….

the down side is that you stop producing sites and your revenue stops coming in….

but this maybe one way of getting a short term income to hold out for the longer term affiliate marketing…

how to structure domain flipping

there are three ways of looking at this..

buy aged domains, after checking their history….and selling them on….

buying new domains, sitting on them for a few months with the idea to sell them on as domains out of hte sandbox time…

or website flipping….

where you build up a basic site and people buy it as a going site to continue adding content to build i up into a successful business….

now i am sure this is a competitive market, so i will have to do my research into where, what ,why, when and who…

but it is of interest as i don’t really have to deal with people – i have to know what people want and need…and give it to them…

bit like copywriting really…

but this can be on the techy side and sort out all sorts of problems…

so maybe using oxygen to build the framework – and get the sitespeed…

structure the different pages within oxygen….

maybe have a default page where they can go to to change the main colours and typography…

integrate hte block editor to allow the end user to create content easily…

produce a series of videos showing how to use their new site….

and have a backup service for three months…

will need to find out what others are offering….

i can have an idea of where the site can go and make it profitable, give them a keyword list and even a few outline articles…

with relevant images for them to use…

so it becomes a process to create sites for sale – in evergreen markets…

all it would be then is finidng the niches people are really interested in and even showing them that it can be profitable…

this will take time to sort out the details …but if anyone is interested in a site that is initially setup please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we can work out the details….

if you have an idea of a niche and are technically challenged then please get in touch – i would hate for you to miss out on this opportunity jsut because you are not able to setup your site at the start…you maybe a fantastic writer, so use your skills to persuade people that your promotions are the best…and let me help you on your way…

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